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The content of this website, https://harlanflorence.com, is provided to you for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Your access of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship with Harlan Florence, Harlan and Associates, LLC, or The Law Offices of Mike Florence and Associates LLC.
Your access to and use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions, and by accessing and using this site, you accept the following:
- The content of this website is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Any information contained on the herein is not intended to create, and any viewing thereof does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship with you. You should not act in reliance upon the information presented here without seeking the advice of your own attorney.
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- By requesting a fee sheet or otherwise contacting Harlan Florence, Harlan and Associates, LLC, or The Law Offices of Mike Florence and Associates LLC, you agree to receive email correspondence from us. This correspondence may include newsletters, special offers, and other marketing materials. If you would like to opt out and not receive any such correspondence, please contact us. Your election not to receive newsletters or promotional and marketing correspondence from us will not preclude us from corresponding with you, by email or otherwise, regarding your existing or past relationship with us, and or preclude us from accessing and viewing your personal information which we may have in the course of maintaining and improving the website.
To the extent that the State Bar rules of a particular jurisdiction require that a single attorney be designated responsible for this website, Stephen A. Harlan, Esq. is so designated.
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